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Healthcare Simulations
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5.5.00 freeware downloadThe food and exercise diary to track what you eat, and how you burn it off.
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5.5.00 freeware downloadThe food and exercise diary to track what you eat, and how you burn it off.
BySoft Food Additives freeware downloadCheck if the food you buy contains additives dangerous to your health. Freeware!
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LC Calories
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3.0 freeware downloadFree and simple personal health records software
iCare Lung Capacity
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iCare Emotion Test
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iCare Hearing Test
2.7.4 freeware downloadiCare Hearing Test could check your ear’s age with high frequencies
iCare Eye Test
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iCare Health Monitor
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iCare Heart Rate Monitor
2.7.4 freeware downloadiCare Heart Rate Monitor--iCare Heart Rate Monitor measures your heart rate in real time
iCare Oxygen Monitor
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