Other freeware downloads

Full Image Info

1.3 freeware download

Full information about graphic files and digital photos.

Gamedev Animation Studio freeware download

Allow you to export built animation to RAW file

Gamedev Animation Studio Pro freeware download

Allow you to export built animation to RAW file

GameSpy Comrade freeware download

Play games online with your friends.


1.1.0 freeware download

Image Sequence Preview, Copy and Rename Utility


3.5.3 freeware download

This will save you lots of time and energy in managing your favorite pictures


3.41 freeware download

The pixel query function for all Windows operating systems desktop and server.

Gif Maker for Windows

1.0 freeware download

Gif Maker is the easiest app to streamline the process of creating GIFs.


1.9 freeware download

A simple program that converts animations from GIF to APNG format


1.23 freeware download

A free and easy to use open source GIF animator

GOCR for Mac OS X and Linux

0.50 freeware download

GOCR is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program

Google Photos freeware download

Lets you protect your photos by backing them up

Google Photos for Android

2.12.0 freeware download

Lets you protect your photos by backing them up

Google Photos for iOS

2.12.0 freeware download

Lets you protect your photos by backing them up

Google Photos for Mac OS X freeware download

Lets you protect your photos by backing them up

GPStamper freeware download

Designed for aerial photographers, earth scientists, geologists, surveyors

GPX Editor

1.7.14 B1740 freeware download

Allows you to create waypoints, routes and metadata


2.38 freeware download

Produces graphs and diagrams like the well-known commercial app OmniGraffle

Graphviz for Linux

2.39.20150720 freeware download

Produces graphs and diagrams like the well-known commercial app OmniGraffle

Graphviz for Mac OS X

2.39.20150720 freeware download

Produces graphs and diagrams like the well-known commercial app OmniGraffle


1.0 freeware download

Prints a greeting card on 8.5x11 half-fold card stock.

Grid Friendly Monitor

2.0.5 freeware download

Check the power grid's frequency with this tool

Gridley The Image Grid Generator

1.0.1028.1713 freeware download

Windows application that generates one image from multiple images

Growly Draw for Mac OS X

1.5.6 freeware download

Create drawings or various types of more complex designs

Growly Photo for Mac OS X

2.4.3 freeware download

Help you organize files without modifying their locations on your Mac