Converters & Optimizers freeware downloads
Picture Resizer
6.0 freeware downloadEasy-to-use tool for batch resizing of JPG pictures and photos.
Copy N Size
5.5 freeware downloadCopy and resize image files with this tool
Solway's Deskew
1.0 freeware downloadDeskew scanned images containing lines of text - Freeware
FREE 3D Image Creator
1.2.0 freeware downloadFree 3D Image Creator designed to create 3D images from one or two images.
Home Image Viewer and Convertor for Mac
2.2.0 freeware downloadHomeImage Viewer helps you to view the image files on the Mac
Palette Converter freeware downloadConverts ColorPic4.1 palettes to PaintShopPro
ASCII Generator dotNET freeware downloadEasil convert images into artwork created from text characters
006a2 freeware downloadCrack removed & restored image
MSU Scene Change Detector Plugin
1.2 freeware downloadMSU Scene Change Detector Plugin for MSU Video Quality Measurement Tool
MSU Drop Frame Metric Plugin
1.1 freeware downloadMSU Drop Frame Metric Plugin
MSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin
1.1 freeware downloadMSU Brightness Flicking Measure Plugin
MSU Brightness Independent PSNR Plugin
1.1 freeware downloadMSU Brightness Independent PSNR Plugin
MSU Cartoon Restorer
2.0beta freeware downloadFree filter for quality improvement of compressed video. Uses GPU for speedup
Stepoks Raw Importer
1.2 freeware downloadStepok's Raw Importer is a free raw importing and converting tool
MSU Denoiser VirtualDub plugin
2.5.1 freeware downloadFree high-quality video denoising plugin. Uses GPU for ultimate performance.
1.0 freeware downloadConverts image files like JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF and others to a PDF document
MSU Image Restoration Photoshop plugin
1.5 freeware downloadFree high-quality image restoration plugin. Filling in picked out data.
MSU FRC AviSynth filter
0.5 freeware downloadFreeware filter which performs frame rate up-conversion
MSU Old Cinema 2.0 VirtualDub plugin
2.0 freeware downloadFree video effect of old cinema. Allows flexible change level of effects.
Mobile Photo Enhancer
1.3 freeware downloadQuickly and easily improve the quality of photos taken with camera phones.
Jpeg Enhancer
1.8 freeware downloadRemove artifacts and blotchy look from your JPEG images.
MSU Smart Deblocking VirtualDub plugin
0.8 freeware downloadFree high quality deblocking filter for low bitrate video
Easy Graphic Converter
1.2.7 freeware downloadGraphic converter, image converter and thumbnails maker utility.
MSU Color Enhancement VirtualDub plugin
1.0.1b freeware downloadFilter is used for improving the visual quality of color images and video