CAD freeware downloads

PFind freeware download

Intelligent image search program with some nice features

AstroTortilla x64 freeware download

A project for automating repeating astrophotography tasks

AstroTortilla freeware download

A project for automating repeating astrophotography tasks


0.3.0 Preview freeware download

an application built to be a fast Darwinian evolution simulator


2.1.8 freeware download

GHydraulics integrates EPANET and QGIS

BayesRate for Mac OS X

1.63 freeware download

Designed in order to estimate speciation

BayesRate for Linux

1.63 freeware download

Designed in order to estimate speciation


1.63 freeware download

Designed in order to estimate speciation


2450 freeware download

A next-generation stand-alone genome browser and editor

RElim x64

4.4 freeware download

Designed to help you find frequent item sets with the relim algorithm


4.4 freeware download

Designed to help you find frequent item sets with the relim algorithm

Freeship Plus

3.43+ freeware download

Allow you to develop a hull form and to calculate hydrostatics and stability

Apriori x64

5.73 freeware download

Organize the counters for the item sets

Seqwog x64

2.0 freeware download

Find frequent sequences without gaps in their occurrences

Integrated Genome Browser

7.0.4 B15225 freeware download

An interactive, zoomable, scrollable software program


0.5.0 freeware download

Suite of instrumentation,electrical,mechanical,process engineering calculation

ExPCB Helper

1.3 freeware download

Create interesting shapes and logos on a pc board design.

Myrtle for Linux

1.9.0 freeware download

Designed to handle statistical data stored in multiple spreadsheets


1.9.0 freeware download

Designed to handle statistical data stored in multiple spreadsheets


3.7.7 B20130722 freeware download

Designed to help you perform PRP and primality tests

SpeakerBox Filter Designer

3.0 freeware download

Active and Pasive filter calculator


1.8.4 freeware download

Automate the manual validation process with this software


0.92 freeware download

View flux distributions with the help of this plugin

Bifido Punnett Square Calculator Pro

3.4 freeware download

Produce punnett squares for most difficult genetics crosses

Kst for Mac OS X

2.0.7 freeware download

A fast real-time large-dataset viewing and plotting tool