CAD freeware downloads


6.4.0 freeware download

Allows manual and automatic measurements on any image file

LogicCircuit freeware download

Designing and simulating digital logic circuits

Sonnet Lite

18.53 freeware download

A free feature-limited version of Sonnet's professional Sonnet Suites

TNTmips for Mac OS X

20240111 freeware download

Analyze complex GIS data, process and modify map images

Model Air Design

2.4 freeware download

Model Air Design is the new, fun and easy way to create airplane models

Euler Math Toolbox

2024-01-14 freeware download

A powerful numerical and algebraic software


23.16.0 freeware download

An advanced chemical editor for drawing chemical structures, queries

UCL Depthmap

0.8.0 freeware download

Designed to understand social processes within the built environment


6.6.0 freeware download

Designed to be an Open-Source database of refrigerant properties


23.1.1 freeware download

1D gel electrophoresis image analysis made easy

Gephi for Mac OS X

0.10.1 freeware download

A tool for people that have to explore and understand graphs

Gephi for Linux

0.10.1 freeware download

A tool for people that have to explore and understand graphs


0.10.1 freeware download

A tool for people that have to explore and understand graphs

PreviSat freeware download

A satellite tracking software for observing purposes

pCon.planner freeware download

Create three-dimensional room and interior designs


4.4.2 freeware download

New side bar web browser for more weather info


3.7.1 freeware download

An earth science exploration and visualization application

LibreCAD for Mac OS X freeware download

A free Open Source personal CAD application

Cytoscape for Mac OS X

3.10.0 freeware download

A visualization application for molecular interaction networks

Cytoscape for Linux

3.10.0 freeware download

A visualization application for molecular interaction networks

Cytoscape x64

3.10.0 freeware download

A visualization application for molecular interaction networks

VEGA ZZ freeware download

A complete molecular modelling suite that includes several features


2.4.6 freeware download

Variant detection in massively parallel sequencing data

Webots PRO for Linux

R2023a freeware download

Fast prototyping and simulation of mobile robots

Webots PRO for Mac OS X

R2023a freeware download

Fast prototyping and simulation of mobile robots