CAD freeware downloads

Rand Tree

2.0 freeware download

RandTree is a MatLab based tree simulator program

Gabedit for Linux

2.5.1 freeware download

A graphical user interface to computational chemistry packages

Electronic Circuit Designer

freeware download

Allows you to calculate the parameters of electronic circuits

Prode Valves

1.08 freeware download

Design, sizing, rating and automatic selection of control, safety, relief valves


3.49 B467 freeware download

View and characterize features that have been detected during LC-MS analyses

Doodles 3D

0.76 freeware download

Create 3D models by adding points and connecting them to form shapes


1.00 freeware download

Generates an image based on a certain attractor formula

Cytoscape x64

3.10.0 freeware download

A visualization application for molecular interaction networks

Open Visual Trace Route

1.7.1 freeware download

Java-based world navigation map

MyCadbox freeware download

Online CAD viewer for viewing, sharing, markup of STEP/IGES files on PC and iPad

Engauge Digitizer for Mac OS X

12.0 freeware download

Open source digitizing software converts an image file showing a graph or map

5 freeware award

Engauge Digitizer for Windows

12.0 freeware download

Open source digitizing software converts an image file showing a graph or map

5 freeware award

Engauge Digitizer for Linux

12.0 freeware download

Open source digitizing software converts an image file showing a graph or map

GOM Inspect

7.5 SR1 freeware download

Perform 3D scanning, point cloud editing, and advanced inspection analysis.

Apriori for Linux

5.73 freeware download

Organize the counters for the item sets

GpsTools Studio

2.3.1 build 227 freeware download

Import your own maps for tracking vehicles or persons

Eclat for Linux

3.76 freeware download

Find frequent item sets using the eclat algorithm


6.4.0 freeware download

Allows manual and automatic measurements on any image file


3.1.0 freeware download

A full-featured and flexible user-friendly open source application

Toxtree Portable

3.1.0 freeware download

A full-featured and flexible user-friendly open source application

Spirograph freeware download

Spirograph simulation that you can have fun with

Techne CAD/CAM x64 RC freeware download

Tightly integrates the CAM aspects when doing design and layout

VariCAD Viewer for Linux

2024 2.01 freeware download

A scaled-down version of VariCAD used for viewing VariCAD files

JMARS for Windows

3.1.5 freeware download

Mission analysis and planning tool for remote sensing


20240404 freeware download

Analyze complex GIS data, process and modify map images