Mathematics freeware downloads
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4.4.4 freeware downloadSage is a free open-source mathematics software system licensed under the GPL.
Sharky Neural Network
0.9.Beta freeware downloadNeural network classification results live view (like a movie). Free software.
1.3.1a freeware downloadSimple LP Solver can solve large size linear programming problems efficiently.
Simplexety freeware downloadSimplexety, Editor and VBScript Engine.
Statistics Solved Problems
1.0 freeware downloadStatistics Tutorial. A diverse array of solved problems.
2.30 freeware downloadDraws multiple histograms and XY plots of tabular data from a text file.
Surface Explorer 3D
3.0 freeware downloadSurface Explorer 3D plots mathematical surfaces in 3D.
Times Table
1.3 freeware downloadPractice your times table until you know it perfectly
2.6 freeware downloadConvert between different measuring units
Wolfram CDF Player
11.3.0 freeware downloadTake document viewing to the next level
wxMaxima for Mac OS X
19.01.2 freeware downloadwxMaxima is a document based interface for the computer algebra system Maxima
wxMaxima for Windows
19.09.1 freeware downloadwxMaxima is a document based interface for the computer algebra system Maxima
1.6.1 freeware downloadYACAS is an easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System
Yorick for Mac OS X freeware downloadYorick is an interpreted programming language for scientific simulations
Yorick for Windows freeware downloadYorick is an interpreted programming language for scientific simulations