Freeware Education downloads
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- Teaching & Training Tools171
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Killexams Premium CEMAP-1 PDF practice tests with Test Engine
eSkool is a modern school management software for public and private schools.
Killexams Premium CGRN PDF practice tests with Test Engine
Killexams Premium CCM PDF practice tests with Test Engine
Imagine having a dialogue with a book or paper you’re studying.
Killexams Premium CEN PDF practice tests with Test Engine
Learn 2 Mix is an educational e-book to help you get started in the world of DJs
Analysis and monitoring of moving objects using a video camera
A crossword puzzle program designed to be highly configurable
A crossword puzzle program designed to be highly configurable
Get Free maps from, and upload them to your Garmin GPS!
Programa rápido y fácil de e-libros ebook-Protección fuerte de textos y permisos
QUIZ to train questionnaires or vocabularies.
English Dutch online dictionary for mobile phones, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and Palm
This tool will show the proportions between nucleotides in a DNA sequence.
Look for all FASTA files in the specified folder and will merge the content in a Multi-FASTA ...
Learn and have fun with this free program! Quizzes on Math, Spanish, Spelling.
Real-time 3D display of global earthquakes.
CALCUL to practise mental arithmetic’s or fractions.
PLC Simulator, single step debugger and configuration tool.
A simulation of a NYC Transit Authority train traveling by automatic signals.
Easily converts several units of length, weight and capacity measures.
Calculate the percentage, tip and discount calculator
Calculate the percentage of any number out of any number.Great little tool.
Tool for creating your own FlashCards word databases, from your personal text.