Development freeware downloads


1.85.0 freeware download

Rust: A systems programming language focused on safety, speed, and concurrency.

Dev-C++ Portable

6.3 / 5.11 freeware download

Portable version of Integrated Development Environment for C/C++

Trivial Portable Framework Library

0.40 freeware download

TPFL stands for Trivial Portable Framework Library


2.400.1 freeware download

Yet another component for the developer in you


2.1 freeware download

Designed to help developers build SQL sentences in different database engine


10.10 freeware download

Content management platform dedicated to developing client applications


0.9.6 freeware download

Csound front-end that you can use for development


1.4.1 freeware download

Open-source software for mathematics, science and engineering

Pismo Trace Monitor for Linux

23U freeware download

A Windows software development and support utility


5.3.2 freeware download

Monitor changes between one source code version and another from any location

Dependency Finder

1.2.0 freeware download

Dependency Finder is a suite of tools for analyzing compiled Java code

Awesomium.CApi.NET Beta freeware download

Awesomium C API wrapper for .NET

Japplis Toolbox

5.9 freeware download

Japplis Toolbox is a compilation of text utilities.

Adobe XMP Library for ActionScript

1.0 freeware download

The XMP Library for ActionScript 3 is based on the XMPCore library


0.9.9 freeware download

Designed to provide a free to use high perfomance geostatistics algorithms

UUID-GUID Generator Portable

3.0 freeware download

A lightweight, easy to use unique identifier generator


1.2.5 freeware download

A handy, easy to use framework specially designed for XML data binding

GK PCalc

3.0 freeware download

Gcalc is a handy little multiplatform, multiprecision calculator toy


1.5.0 freeware download

An open source cross-platform library of spatial analysis functions

DSP Filters

0.9.72 freeware download

A Collection of Useful C++ Classes for Digital Signal Processing


1.8.2 freeware download

An object factory for generic-purpose lexical analysis supporting UTF-8


0.92 freeware download

Designed to be an accessible and Open-Source .NET build tool


1.8 freeware download

Deploy the applications built with QT framework.

EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect freeware download

Transparsently connect the cloud storage with EaseTag Cloud Storage Connect

Modelio for Mac OS X

4.1.0 freeware download

An accessible and Open Source modeling environment