Compilers & Interpreters freeware downloads


2.7.0 Alpha 2 freeware download

Compile Python source code to Java byte codes with this tool

SCAR Divi Portable

3.41.00 freeware download

A program designed to automate repetitive tasks on your computer


2.0 freeware download

Compile your PHP/Python script to a standalone Windows executable!


1.85.0 freeware download

Rust: A systems programming language focused on safety, speed, and concurrency.

Dependency Finder

1.2.0 freeware download

Dependency Finder is a suite of tools for analyzing compiled Java code


0.92 freeware download

Designed to be an accessible and Open-Source .NET build tool

NCandE Portable

1.6 freeware download

Compile and execute a variety of code from within Notepad++.


0.17 freeware download

Designed to provide a cross-platform configurable IDE

Catalina Compiler for Linux

3.16 freeware download

Contains a set of C libraries and device drivers


5.9.9_R21_b2108 freeware download

Binary Modular DataFlow Machine - Parallel Programming Environment

POWER-KI Developer Edition

11.0.32 freeware download

POWER-KI (R) the programming language for Intelligent Applications (IA)


1.2.0 freeware download

Preconfigured BASIC versions (QBasic,QuickBASIC etc). Ready to use with DOSBox!


3.5 Beta freeware download

MIDletPascal compiles Pascal code into mobile Java programs

ooRexx x64

4.2.0 freeware download

Language Association manages the ooRexx project

GoldenSharp freeware download

A small and easy to use C# IDE + compiler


5.4.6 freeware download

Lua is a powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language

GLE for Windows

4.2.4 freeware download

Produces PostScript, EPS, PDF, PNG, or JPG ouput from a simple script file


9.3 freeware download

The GNU Compiler Collection includes front ends for C, C++ and Objective-C


2.16.01 freeware download

Assembler designed for portability and modularity


2.2.7 freeware download

An assembler/disassembler for the dex format used by dalvik

Haskell Platform for Linux

8.4.3 freeware download

Comprehensive, robust development environment for programming in Haskell

Dev-PHP freeware download

Dev-PHP is a well-featured integrated development environment (IDE)

Logtalk freeware download

SWI-Prolog: A versatile and powerful open-source Prolog environment.

New Version

Haskell Platform

8.6.5 freeware download

Comprehensive, robust development environment for programming in Haskell

Portable Sikuli X

1.0 RC3 freeware download

A visual technology to automate and test graphical user interfaces