Telephony freeware downloads


1.32 freeware download

Handy tool for managing cell phone usage

Sony Ericsson Themes Creator for Mac OS X

4.16 freeware download

You can make your phone look completely different from the rest

HappyFingers Portable freeware download

iPhone to Desktop application software

HappyFingers freeware download

iPhone to Desktop application software


2.0 freeware download

Text with a simple click.

Easy ADB freeware download

A tool that brings the Android debug bridge (ADB) into Windows


1.0 freeware download

A quick and simple S19 (Motorola S-Record) file editor

Dumbo' Dialer freeware download

A handy tool that can reproduce a DTMF tone sequence recorded by the user

Nokia PC Suite freeware download

Allows your Nokia handset to connect to your Windows machine

Axon Free Virtual PBx System

2.20 freeware download

Virtual IP PBX VoIP Software for Windows PCs

Syncroid freeware download

Synchronize your Outlook client calendar with your Android calendar.

Funambol for Mac OS X

8.7.3 freeware download

Open source mobile cloud sync for billions of phones and connected devices

Nokia Configuration Tool

6.3 freeware download

Manage your Nokia device

Blink Qt for Linux

0.2.7 freeware download

Blink is a fully featured and easy to use SIP client

Supertelco for Mac OS X

1.0.2 freeware download

International home & business calling with no contracts at lowest prices


1.0.2 freeware download

International home & business calling with no contracts at lowest prices

X1 Mobile Connect for Mac freeware download

Extend the power of X1 to your iPhone or iPad

X1 Mobile Connect freeware download

Extend the power of X1 to your iPhone or iPad.


1.0 freeware download

Freeware to search United Kindom telephone area codes

SMS Control Center

4.0 freeware download

Create, send and receive SMS from PC via Windows Mobile Phone

Blink Cocoa for Mac OS X

0.23.2 freeware download

Blink is a fully featured and easy to use SIP client

QtADB for Mac OS X

0.8.0 freeware download

Make the connection between your Android phone and PC

QtADB for Linux

0.8.0 freeware download

Make the connection between your Android phone and PC


0.8.0 freeware download

Make the connection between your Android phone and PC

iNETPHONE freeware download

The worlds first truly zero-configuration VoIP client