morse code freeware downloads
Cute CW
2.0 freeware downloadLearning morse code is hard, but this tool will break it into phases to make ...
Cute CW for Linux
1.0 freeware downloadLearning morse code is hard, but this tool will break it into phases to make ...
CW Decoder
3.80 freeware downloadDecode Morse code from a radio 5 to 50 wpm Scrollable ... blanking threshold Automatic frequency control (AFC) Transmit Morse code, keyboard input 5 to 50 wpm Key ...
1.24.6 freeware downloadECTmorse (EyeComTec Morse) is a program which was developed to allow users to type text with universal Morse code. It can be used as an assistive ...
0.1.1 freeware download... of software that allows you to practice tap code hearing and writing. The tap code is similar to Morse code, only with taps. The main quality of ...
1.2.Free freeware download... * Simple substitution cipher (e.g. ROT13, ROT47). * Morse code conversion. Remove Diacritics: wReplace is an excellent tool ...