regular expressions freeware downloads
File Punter freeware downloadUse regular expressions to copy/move files into new, dynamically generated destination folders. ...
Free RegEx Editor
1.0.20 freeware downloadCreate, edit, and test RegEx Regular Expressions. Replace, format, and extract text in files using Regular Expressions. Perform GREP-like tasks, use RegEx substitutions, extract data!
3.1.6224 freeware downloadThe premier regular expression development tool The award-winning Expresso editor ... a teaching tool for the beginning user of regular expressions or as a full-featured development environment for ...
grepWin x64
2.1.2 freeware download... use search and replace tool which can use regular expressions to do its job. This allows to do ...
6.0 freeware download... programmer tool mainly, because the find-replace rules are regular expressions in .NET flavor. It also has an *ix ... RegExpEditor and RegExpFileRenamer, offering find-replace rules expressed as regular expressions (.NET flavor). The editor part has grep, ...
Portable grepWin
2.1.7 freeware download... its core, Portable grepWin leverages the power of regular expressions to perform complex search and replace operations across ... top priorities for Portable grepWin. The software is regularly updated to fix bugs and improve performance, and ...
0.4 freeware download... is faster, supports entire file system search, filters, regular expressions, command-line interface and more. The Core search engine ... -Command-line interface -Fast indexing -Fast files search -Regular expressions -Real-time updating -Search result export to .txt or ...
4.3 freeware download... that performs graphical find and find-and-replace searches for regular expressions on multiple text files. It is distributed under ... It can search for literal text or regular expressions. The search can be performed on a ...
Limagito FileMover freeware download... encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. Create ...
LimagitoX File Mover
2019.01.19.0 freeware download... encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. Create ...
Sublime Text
3.2.2 B3211 freeware download... un-indenting, paragraph reformatting, line joining , multiple selections, regular expression search and replace, incremental find as you type, and preserve case on replace. Create macros, ...
4.4.6 freeware download... which searches within files for keywords. AstroGrep supports regular expressions, versatile printing options, stores most recently used paths ... source code. Included Features: - Regular expressions (Uses the standard Microsoft .Net Regular Expressions: ...
Japplis Toolbox
5.8 freeware download... environment variables or Swing default values. It finds regular expressions in text and in files, even gz compressed. ...
Delete Lines
1.1.0 freeware download... for "normal" text, but if required also use regular expressions. Additionally, it is possible to delete not only ... of any size. - If required usage of regular expressions possible. - Delete lines before and after ...
0.3.3 freeware download... Output can be filtered on the server-side using regular expressions, or at the client-side using a handy JavaScript ...
2.3 freeware download... software also features a customizable INI file via Regular Expressions. ...
Database Find and Replace freeware download... text using advanced features such as wildcards and regular expressions. Supports Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL. ...
AB-Edit freeware download... than 25 file types, Search & Replace with regular expressions, Code Templates, automatic Line Indention, Bookmarks, Print with ...
Advanced Renamer
3.94 freeware download... functionality Real time preview of renamed file names Regular Expressions MP3/ID3 naming Image and photo renaming with EXIF ...
Advanced Renamer
3.84 freeware download... functionality Real time preview of renamed file names Regular Expressions MP3/ID3 naming Image and photo renaming with EXIF ...
Qwined Technical Editor
2014 freeware download... user interface, Code Folding, Syntax Styling, Regional Selections, Regular Expressions, Spell Checking, PDF and ZIP support, Email integration, ...
Qwined Multilingual Technical Editor
2011 freeware download... It features Code Folding, Syntax Styling, Regional Selections, Regular Expressions,b Spell Checker and much more. Qwined is highly ...
Areca Backup
7.5 freeware download... powerful built-in search functionality. Able to query using regular expressions, the engine is able to look inside the ... TLS) · Source file filters (by extension, subdirectory, regular expression, size, date, status, usage) · Incremental / ...
Limagito FileMover Lite freeware download... encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. Create ...
2.1.7 freeware download... Search and Replace:** grepWin leverages the power of regular expressions to perform complex search and replace operations across ...