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Wikipedia Bio References

Build 543 freeware download

... of subtaxon + a list of references. Wikipedia Bio References is a nifty tool that can help ... scientific classification in the field of biology. Wikipedia Bio References is not a complicated utility if you ...


4.04.061 Beta freeware download

The DynaFit application was developed to perform nonlinear least-squares regression of chemical kinetic, enzyme kinetic, or ligand-receptor binding data. The experimental data can be either initial ...

Chemistry Development Kit

1.5.6 Dev freeware download

Chemistry Development Kit is now developed by more than 40 developers all over the world and used in more than 10 different academic as well as ...


2.0.0 freeware download

... Center), Kyoto University (Bioinformatics Center) and the Open Bio Foundation. * BioRuby comes with a comprehensive set of free development tools and libraries for ...

Biopython for Mac OS X

1.83 freeware download

Biopython for Mac OS X is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. It ...

Biopython for Windows (x32 bit)

1.83 freeware download

Biopython is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. It is a distributed collaborative ...

Biopython for Windows (x64 bit)

1.83 freeware download

Biopython for Windows x64 is a set of freely available tools for biological computation written in Python by an international team of developers. It is ...

Active Dancer

1.2.552 freeware download

... girl standing in her outfit and read her bio and vitals stats. Which one is made for you?. New virtual girls are being added constantly ...


1.2.0 freeware download

... and is used in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bio informatics, material science and other related areas. The aim has been to make 3D molecular manipulation ...

Active Dancer Mac Edition

1.2.377 freeware download

... girl standing in her outfit and read her bio and vitals stats. Which one is made for you?. New girls are being added constantly and ...

Free Fingerprint Verification SDK freeware download

... RealScan-D, RealScan-10, BioMini, SFR300-S, SFU300; Tacoma CMOS; Testech Bio-i CYTE; TST Biometrics BiRD 3; UPEK Eikon, Eikon To Go, EikonTouch 300, EikonTouch 700, TouchChip TCRU1C, ...