religious freeware downloads
Anand Krishna Tratak
2.0 freeware downloadYou may consider your favorite religious leader as an awakened being and try to access his mind. If his mind is still whole, dense and ...
Athan (Azan) Basic
4.5 freeware downloadA modern aid for an ancient tradition, Athan Basic helps Muslims perform daily prayers anywhere in the world. On first start-up, you choose your location from ...
4.519 freeware downloadSongview comes with a file with some public domain songs. You can create your own file from scratch or import songs from a number of popular ...
MagicScore onLine freeware download... music stores, music team sites, composers and performers, religious music sites. MagicScore onLine provides you a possibility to imagine music piece as a whole by ...
August Theme for Page Turning Book
1.0 freeware download... is a system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes. This is done by giving names to periods of time, typically days, ...
Avatar Krishna playing divine flute
2.0 freeware downloadLord Krishna exhibits His transcendental from as the greatest of dancers as He entered the forest of Vrndavan, beautifying it with the marks of His footprints, ...
Ko Ong Kwan Si Im Keng
2.0 freeware downloadJust chant The true sutra of the High King Sutra causing calamities to cease, merit to accumulate, to empower others and to promote living kindness.This sutra ...
Yoga Namaskara at Great Wall of China
2.0 freeware downloadThe sun's image can be seen in an ocean, a river, a lake, a pond or a well. Everywhere the sun appears to be shining.Likewise, names ...
Real Face of Jesus by Sai Baba
2.0 freeware downloadJesus Christ, how humble, how very human.... Later many people would be drawn to him because of the miracles he performed. But his real miracle was ...
Yaochi Jinmu at the Peach Garden
2.0 freeware downloadIn popular Chinese mythology, The Queen Mother of the West lived in a golden palace by a lake, where she grew peaches. ...
Yaochi Jinmu (Queen Mother of the West)
2.0 freeware downloadYaochi Jinmu is called “the Original Breath of the Great Yin” and “Mother of All Creatures,” whose life spans she determines. She gives life, causes and ...
2.0 freeware downloadVajrasattva is also regarded as Adi-Buddha by Nepalese Vajra-charyas who follow Vajrayana tradition according to the text Vajrasattvakaya. Vajrasattva is always crowned, with or without his ...
Sathya Sai Baba enjoying garden view
2.0 freeware downloadHigher and higher than all ordinary ones are another set of teachers, the Avatars of Ishwar, They are Teachers of all teachers the highest manifestations of ...
Lord Shiva meditating at the Waterfall
2.0 freeware downloadLord Shiva appears in a meditating but ever-happy posture. He has matted hair which holds the flowing Ganges river and a crescent moon, a serpent coiled ...
Lord Shiva at the Mount Kailash
2.0 freeware downloadKailash is the Himalaya of heaven. Blissful kailash... Thousands of people have become Buddhas from those spots. They have left a vacuum there, a very alive ...
Spiritual Robot With Om Sound
2.0 freeware downloadYou've gotta be kidding me! Even a robot who doesn't have any soul still wanted to gain more higher consciousness, Why we, us, a human neglect ...
Spiritual Robot With Relax Music
2.0 freeware downloadWhat a surprise act, this robot really has a spiritual urge inside. Maybe he realize that in the mortal world, nothing is permanent, everything is in ...
Osho River of Life
2.0 freeware downloadJust throw your scriptures into the river. Now you are a nobody, floating with the river, in a deep letgo. When the river meets the ocean, ...
Avalokitesvara at Waterfall
2.0 freeware downloadAvalokitesvara is the bodhisattva who has made a great vow to listen to the prayers of all sentient beings in times of difficulty, and to postpone ...
Quan Yin riding the Holy Dragon
2.0 freeware downloadQuan Yin's name is a translation of the Sanskrit name of her chief progenitor which is Avalokitesvara, also known as Avalokita. In its proper form it ...
Prajna Paramita
2.0 freeware download"Perfection of Wisdom" is a translation of the Sanskrit term prajñā pāramitā (Devanagari, Tibetan: Shes-rab-pha-rol-phyin ; pinyin: bō rě bō luó mì duō, Japanese: hannya-haramitta ; ...
Pond of Famous Japanese Koi Fish
1.0 freeware downloadThe best breed of koi fish usually depends on the attractive randomise dot pattern, the bright colors and the perfect balancing form of Koi's body, a ...
Osho enjoying zen garden view
2.0 freeware downloadThe moment you become knowledgeable you lose innocence. And innocence is the garden. In innocence, flowers bloom. In innocence, fragrance is released. In innocence, all is ...
Osho Rajneesh enjoying river view
2.0 freeware downloadThe very goal is to reach the ocean -- the river becomes the ocean and the individual consciousness becomes the divine. When a drop is lost ...
Sathya Sai Baba Gayatri
2.0 freeware downloadIf you chant it everyday, you need not chant any other Mantra. It protects you from calamities and confers upon you intelligence, learning and success. ...