regular freeware downloads
File Punter freeware downloadUse regular expressions to copy/move files into new, dynamically generated destination folders. ...
ConnectionMonitor freeware download... utility to ping a number of hosts at regular intervals. It can be set to check many hosts individualy with a customisable ping timeout. ...
Free RegEx Editor
1.0.20 freeware downloadCreate, edit, and test RegEx Regular Expressions. Replace, format, and extract text in files using Regular Expressions. Perform GREP-like tasks, use RegEx substitutions, extract ...
3.1.6224 freeware downloadThe premier regular expression development tool The award-winning Expresso editor ... a teaching tool for the beginning user of regular expressions or as a full-featured development environment for ...
4.3 freeware download... that performs graphical find and find-and-replace searches for regular expressions on multiple text files. It is distributed ... It can search for literal text or regular expressions. The search can be performed on a ...
Portable grepWin
2.1.8 freeware download... its core, Portable grepWin leverages the power of regular expressions to perform complex search and replace operations ... top priorities for Portable grepWin. The software is regularly updated to fix bugs and improve performance, and ...
grepWin x64
2.1.2 freeware download... use search and replace tool which can use regular expressions to do its job. This allows to do much more powerful searches and replaces. ...
2.0 freeware downloadBinaryCrypt is a small program that converts regular English text into Binary, Hexadecimal, or Octal decimal ... Convert from Binary, Octal, Decimal, or Hex to regular ascii text and vice versa convert decimal to ...
BinaryCrypt 64-bit
2.0 freeware downloadBinaryCrypt 64-bit is a small program that converts regular English text into Binary, Hexadecimal, or Octal decimal ... Convert from Binary, Octal, Decimal, or Hex to regular ascii text and vice versa convert decimal to ...
Space Sunrise 3D
2.0 freeware downloadTired of your regular screensaver? Do you want something special for your computer screen? Get ready for the space sunrise screensaver with its breathtaking motion ...
Infinite Pass Klondike Solitaire
1.0 freeware downloadInfinite Pass Klondike Solitaire is not just regular solitaire. This version of klondike has a whole lot more to offer--like an auto-save feature, excellent collision ...
Notepad-7 freeware download... a small text editing application just like the regular notepad, but enhanced with the MS Office 2010 look and feel. It just changes the appearance, ...
IQmango 3D VideoConverter
4.5.4 freeware downloadRevolutionary IQmango 3D Video Converter is a supreme free application that lets you convert usual 2D movies and any 2D video files into fantastic 3D format. ...
6.0 freeware download... programmer tool mainly, because the find-replace rules are regular expressions in .NET flavor. It also has an ... RegExpEditor and RegExpFileRenamer, offering find-replace rules expressed as regular expressions (.NET flavor). The editor part has grep, ...
0.4 freeware download... is faster, supports entire file system search, filters, regular expressions, command-line interface and more. The Core search engine is written in C++ 11/14, uses Win ...
JD's Auto Speed Tester
17.9 freeware downloadWith this free program you can do regular internet speed tests in the background. It logs all your data and enables you to see at ...
Sublime Text
3.2.2 B3211 freeware download... un-indenting, paragraph reformatting, line joining , multiple selections, regular expression search and replace, incremental find as you type, and preserve case on replace. Create macros, ...
B1 Free Archiver
1.5.86 freeware download... allows to work with archives just like with regular folders, works with .b1 .zip .rar .7z and other formats. B1 Free Archiver is available for ...
AB-Edit freeware download... than 25 file types, Search & Replace with regular expressions, Code Templates, automatic Line Indention, Bookmarks, Print with Syntax Highlighting. Edit your Windows, Unix or ...
Limagito FileMover freeware download... encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. Create directories based on the file name or ...
Japplis Toolbox
6.0 freeware download... environment variables or Swing default values. It finds regular expressions in text and in files, even gz compressed. It can sort lines, reverse lines, shuffle ...
LimagitoX File Mover
2019.01.19.0 freeware download... encrypt or decrypt files and rename directories (using regular expressions) when moving them to the new destination. Create directories based on the file name or ...
6.0 freeware downloadTV is an award winning (2005-2014) freeware for Windows® (TV Ver. 4.0 2014). Now you can watch over thousand [1600+] live worldwide TV channels on your ...
4.4.6 freeware download... which searches within files for keywords. AstroGrep supports regular expressions, versatile printing options, stores most recently used ... source code. Included Features: - Regular expressions (Uses the standard Microsoft .Net Regular Expressions: ...
Métamorphose 2
1.1.2 freeware download... to rename many files and/or folders on a regular basis. In addition to general usage operations, it ... Undo renaming operation in case of mistakes. * Regular expression support throughout. * Rename MP3 files according ...