index freeware downloads
Index Your Files
2023.5 freeware downloadIndex Your Files is an alternative way for you to Index and Search through all your files or folders on Local or Networked Drives. Get Index Your Files and take it for a spin ...
Index.dat Analyzer
2.5 freeware downloadIndex.dat files are hidden files on your computer that ... of URL-s, files and documents you recently accessed. Index.dat files stored on your computer are obviously a ...
Index Generator
8.8 freeware downloadIndex Generator is a simple program, developed specifically in order to help individuals index their books easier. Index Generator will take a PDF book and produce ...
ChrisPC Win Experience Index
7.25.0318 freeware downloadChrisPC Win Experience Index is the free tool that lets you rate your computer and check again the Windows Experience Index on your Windows 8.1 installation, giving you the ...
Mihov Index Maker
1.50 freeware downloadMihov Index Maker is a program that creates a HTML file containing links to all the files in a given directory. If the files are ...
2.3.8 freeware download... is most of the H.264 files have the index at the end of the file which for ... the innards of a movie to put the index at the beginning. Thus help with the progressive ...
4.41 freeware download... solution to read and show your Windows Experience Index or to start a new calculation of the performance index. The program is primarily written for Windows 8.1 ...
Mil Free Internet Eraser
4.0 freeware download... Mil Free Internet Eraser: - Cleans and shreds Index.dat files (with the exception of temporary Internet files: you will need Mil Shield to clean these index.dat files). - Cleans Internet Explorer browse history. - ...
BySoft Free BMI Calculator freeware downloadEasily calculate your body mass index. Just enter your weight, height and sex and BMI Calculator will indicate if your are underweight, normal, overweight or ...
FinitySoft BMI Calculator freeware downloadEasily calculate your body mass index. Just enter your weight, height and sex and BMI Calculator will indicate if your are underweight, normal, overweight or ...
1.0 freeware download... USA, Keetch and Byram (1968) developed a drought index namely Keetch-Byram drought index (KBDI). Conceptually, using daily precipitation and daily maximum ... in the U.S. (Keetch and Byram 1968). This index, which conceptually describes the soil moisture (Dolling et ...
1 freeware download... analyze Macintosh files signatures stored in Macintosh volumes index on Windows NT 4.0 or 2000 servers for distribution and statistics monitoring. Automatic connection to the ...
TestWater freeware download... poolshop for assistance.This program uses the Langelier saturation index to balance the water. The tests may be the same as other applications, but by taking ...
3.69 freeware download... outliner and note taking program with a structured index. All pages are stored in a single file. ... links to run programs, for example. The index structure can be modified by buttons, context menu ...
0.2.6 PreAlpha freeware download... of which is to transcribe the Civil Registration index of births, marriages and deaths for England and ... out by teams of dedicated volunteers and contains index information for the period 1837-1983. PLEASE NOTE: WE ...
AMT - Auto-Movie-Thumbnailer
14.0 freeware download... an automation GUI to batch create ScreenCaps, Thumbnail Index Pictures, Preview Pictures or Contact Sheets for any given number of movies. It supports many different ...
2.2.1 freeware download... Each database is stored in a B-Tree index structure. These tree-like structures automatically sort the keys, and are optimized for fast reads and writes. ...
1.0 freeware download... rain-based meteorological drought indices, namely: SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index), DI (deciles index), PN (Percent of Normal Index), RAI (Rainfall Anomaly Index), EDI (effective drought index), CZI (China-Z index), MCZI ...
Arclab Dir2HTML Free
4.0 freeware downloadArclab Dir2HTML is a directory to HTML index converter which builds a html index file out of directory structures and files on your harddisk. Dir2HTML supports recursive indexing, can create sub-sections for each subfolder within the ...
Windows File Analyzer
2.10.0 freeware download... specifically on the thumbnail database, Prefetch data, shortcuts, Index.dat files and the Recycle Bin. This application decodes ... specified folder and displays data stored in them. Index.DAT Analyzer: This analyzer reads specified Index.Dat file and ...
3.5 freeware download... analysis. With help of wordTabulator you can generate index of word elements extracted from defined text set. ... by common or different elements. Output word index may be generated in HTML format and contain ...
BMI Calculator
1.0.0 freeware downloadCalculate your body mass index (BMI) based on your height and weight. It helps to find out your potential health risk. This calculator does not ...
2.9.1 freeware download... It offers lookup dictionaries, text translation, cursor translator, index list and pronunciation of word in over 60 languages. These language are English, French, German, Italian, ...
1.1 freeware download... users. MS IE stores its Internet activity in index.dat files. These files are binary database files, which are used by Microsoft as the file type ...
2.33.0 freeware download... media cataloging tool. You can use it to index files stored on removable media (CD's, DVD's or even diskettes), hard disks or net drives, and ...