wireless freeware downloads
Wireless Wizard
6.6 freeware downloadThe Wireless Wizard improves the use and reliability of any ... data network. It allows you to aim your wireless adapter, measure wireless performance and quickly identify and ...
Wireless KeyFinder
1.0 freeware downloadRecover your wireless network key from your computer with this free software utility. Wireless Key Finder will let you view your lost ... get you connected to the internet. Get your wireless network key. Recover your wireless password and connect ...
Wireless Network Watcher
2.41 freeware downloadWireless Network Watcher is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers ... the network card, and optionally the computer name. Wireless Network Watcher is a lightweight Windows application designed ...
Wireless Network Watcher
2.42 freeware downloadWireless Network Watcher is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers ...
HP Wireless Assistant freeware downloadThis package contains the HP Wireless Assistant for the supported notebook models and operating systems. The HP Wireless Assistant is a user application that shows the ...
Portable Wireless Network Watcher
2.41 freeware downloadWireless Network Watcher is a small utility that scans your wireless network and displays the list of all computers ... paste into Excel or other spreadsheet application. Wireless Network Watcher doesn't require any installation process or ...
SterJo Wireless Passwords
2.0 freeware download... regarding your wifi security? This is where SterJo Wireless Passwords solves this issue for you. SterJo Wireless Passwords is a free password recovery software which you can use to recover your lost wireless network passwords. Just by running this software on ...
SterJo Wireless Network Scanner
1.2 freeware downloadSterJo Wireless Network Scanner is a small tool that scans your network in a few seconds and displays a list of all connected computers or ...
SterJo Wireless Key Generator
1.0 freeware downloadSterJo Wireless Key Generator is a tool that generates strong WEP, WPA or WPA2 key for your wireless network that cannot be easily broken by intruders. ...
Build 0461 freeware download... a software-tool to collect and visualize informations of wireless networks. It allows to display several data, such as their expansion, signal-strength and status. The single wireless networks are displayed on a topographical map. ...
WiFi Password Dump
10.0 freeware download... free command-line tool to quickly recover all the Wireless passwords stored on your system. It automatically recovers all type of Wireless Keys/Passwords as mentioned below, * WEP (8 to ...
WIFi Locator
1.1 freeware download... in the background, and monitor the activity of wireless networks around you. For each detected network it displays the following information: SSID, Last Signal Quality, ...
AirPort Utility freeware download... Utility to be unable to read certain AirPort wireless device configurations. * An issue causing AirPort ... to sometimes be unable to discover an AirPort wireless device when Back To My Mac is enabled. ...
23.3 freeware download... your customers the flexibility and extra mobility with Wireless Internet Access. MyHotspot is a professional and free Wireless LAN software solution for providing internet access to ...
0.4.0 freeware download... tool for Windows that allows you to detect Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) using 802.11b, 802.11a and 802.11g. Features: · Verify that your ...
WiFi Password Decryptor
16.0 freeware download... FREE software to instantly recover all your forgotten wireless passwords It automatically recovers all type of Wireless Keys/Passwords as mentioned below, * WEP (8 to
WiFi Hotspot Scanner
6.0 freeware download... the FREE software to instantly scan and discover Wireless Hotspot devices around you. For each discovered Wi-Fi hotspot device, it displays following information * WiFi ...
WiFi Password Key Generator
11.0 freeware download... the free desktop tool to quickly create secure Wireless WEP/WPA/WPA2 keys. Most devices (Modems/Routers) require you to enter WEP/WPA keys during Wireless security configuration. Unlike regular passwords, these keys have ...
SX WiFi Security Suite
8.0 freeware download... is the complete collection of all the FREE wireless security tools from SecurityXploded. It contains the latest ... separately. SX WiFi Security Suite currently includes following Wireless tools, * Wi-Fi Hotspot Scanner * Wi-Fi Network ...
WiFi Network Monitor
7.0 freeware download... and discover all the systems connected to your Wireless network. It helps you to keep a watch on your Wi-Fi network and safe guard it ...
WiFi Security Guard
3.0 freeware download... free command-line tool to monitor and shield your Wireless Network from hackers and unauthorised users. It's swift ARP based multi-threaded scan helps you to perform ...
Remote Mouse
1.11 freeware downloadTurn your iPhone or iPad into a wireless mouse/touchpad and keyboard now! You can take control of your presentations from anywhere in the room. ...
1.75 freeware downloadWirelessNetView is a small utility that runs in the background, and monitor the activity of wireless networks around you. For each detected network, it ...
WiFi Password Decryptor
16.0 freeware download... Decryptor is the FREE software to instantly recover Wireless account passwords stored on your system. It automatically recovers all type of Wireless Keys/Passwords (WEP/WPA/WPA2 etc) stored by Windows Wireless Configuration ...
Network Monitor II
30.5 freeware downloadThe Network Monitor II (wired and wireless) will show your SSID, signal quality, Internal IP ... of current session. Support both wired network and wireless network. Customize the text color of each element ...