UpdateStar AppCleaner 3 freeware

AppCleaner is UpdateStar's lean and powerful freeware to find and delete obsolete data and files on your computer. It protects your privacy and optimizes computer performance and security. It is small, easy to download, and easy to use. And it's freeware! It removes files on your computer including temporary files, history, cookies, internet logs and many more. Try it and you will see how easy it is to keep your computer in shape.

Author UpdateStar
Released 2014-10-04
Filesize 1.04 MB
Downloads 665
OS Win2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64
Installation Install and Uninstall
Keywords UpdateStar, cleaner, maintenance, system, utility, Windows
Users' rating
(11 rating)
UpdateStar AppCleanerSystem MaintenanceWin2000, Windows XP, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, Windows 8, Windows 10, WinServer, WinOther, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64
UpdateStar AppCleaner - Freeware Download Notice

UpdateStar AppCleaner Free Download - we do not host any UpdateStar AppCleaner torrent files or links of UpdateStar AppCleaner on rapidshare.com, depositfiles.com, megaupload.com etc. All UpdateStar AppCleaner download links are direct UpdateStar AppCleaner download from publisher site or their selected mirrors.

UpdateStar AppCleaner freeware - The Latest User Reviews
UpdateStar AppCleaner freeware - The Latest Versions History
3 Oct 4, 2014 Major Update Speed improvements, minor enhancements and bug fixes
2.1 Jul 4, 2013 Minor Update Speed improvements, minor enhancements and bug fixes
2.0 Mar 1, 2013 Major Update Speed improvements, minor enhancements and bug fixes

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