Featured Encryption Tools
USB Flash Security
Dec 8, 2021 7.412 Data in a USB Flash Drive is protected by a password.Useful Security Tool.
BoxCryptor for Android
Nov 2, 2022 1.638 Save files to the virtual harddisk and BoxCryptor encrypts them on-the-fly
Most popular Encryption Tools freeware downloads
Encrypt Files
1.5 freeware downloadEncrypt Files is free software to securely encrypt and password protect your confidential data. It is fast desktop application that supports 13 advanced encryption algorithms including Blowfish, Cast, Ice, Mars RC 2,6 ...
Encrypt Care
5.0 freeware downloadEncrypt Care is an easy to use, but powerful encryption software which allows user to encrypt or decrypt text and files in batch mode, generate, verify ...
Encryption Software
108.31.2019.11 freeware downloadEncryption Software uses to encrypt your confidential data with or without password advanced security. Encryption stands for totally changing your personal data and files with a password security to an ...
MEO File Encryption Software
2.18 freeware downloadMEO is a powerful data encryption software to encrypt or decrypt files of any type, including Microsoft Word, Excel ... documents. MEO allows you to protect your sensitive data against un-authorized viewers and is completely free for ...
Passware Encryption Analyzer
4.3 freeware downloadPassware Encryption Analyzer is a free encryption scanning tool that finds password-protected or encrypted files on a PC. Are you sure that ... and can be run in the background. With Encryption Analyzer, you can also verify that you still ...
File Encryption
2.1 freeware downloadFile Encryption is free software to help users protect their confidential data by encrypting them into encoded, non accessible form which can be opened only after entering a password. File Encryption prevents unauthorised access to user's private data by ...