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Most popular Web Servers freeware downloads

Apache HTTP Server

2.4.62 freeware download

The Apache HTTP Server, often referred to simply as "Apache," ... web server software, developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. As one of the most widely ...

5 freeware award

BitNami Apache Solr Stack

8.3.1-0 freeware download

BitNami Apache Solr Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Apache Solr and its required dependencies. It can be ... as a AMI to the Amazon cloud. Apache Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source ...

BitNami Apache Solr Stack for Linux

8.3.1-0 freeware download

BitNami Apache Solr Stack greatly simplifies the deployment of Apache Solr and its required dependencies. It can be ... as a AMI to the Amazon cloud. Apache Solr is the popular, blazing fast open source ...


2.2.6 freeware download

mod_authnz_ibmdb2 is an Apache authentication module using IBM DB2 as the backend ... compatible to the functions that are used in Apache's htpasswd utility. runs under Apache 2.2.x and later ...

The Uniform Server

15.0.1 freeware download

... Server to test their applications made with either PHP, MySQL, Perl, or the Apache HTTPd Server. The Uniform Server is a ...

5 freeware award

ASCOOS Web Server freeware download

... Developers and Web Designers and is based on Apache WebServer, PHP and MySQL. It offers to user the option of executing different versions of PHP and MySQL. It is structured for easy ...