Most popular Other freeware downloads
Developer's Tips & Tricks freeware download... Java Script, BASIC (Visual, Just), Perl, Phyton, .INI files, Scripts, SQL, XML and much more) - Code ... syntax properties, etc...) - Import Tip from external file capability - Graphics Tips support (pictures) - *NEW* ...
Windows Phone Developer Tools
1.0.1 freeware downloadThe Windows Phone Developer Toolkit is required to develop Windows Phone 7 ... powerful and easy to use Visual Studio integrated developer environment (IDE) handles design and testing of Windows ...
6.06.01 freeware download... FREE Open Source RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 Systems mainly) that works on most personal computers (It's Java-based so: Windows, Mac OS X, ...
PCGen for Mac OS X
6.05.00 Unstable freeware download... FREE Open Source RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 Systems mainly) that works on most personal computers (It's Java-based so: Windows, Mac OS X, ...
PCGen for Linux
6.06.01 freeware download... FREE Open Source RPG character generator and maintenance program (d20 Systems mainly) that works on most personal computers (It's Java-based so: Windows, Mac OS X, ...
DLL Analyzer
2.120 freeware download... to load the resources included in a DLL file in order to view the names of the included functions. It allows developers to view the available function ...