Most popular Tools & Editors freeware downloads
Game Maker for Mac
2023.6.0.92 freeware downloadGameMaker for Mac, based on the GameMaker 7 framework, offered a drag-and-drop interface for rapid design and iteration of gameplay features, graphics and sound, as well as an ...
Game Maker Lite
2023.6.0.92 freeware downloadGameMaker 8.1, the last release of GameMaker for Windows, offered a drag-and-drop interface for rapid design and iteration of gameplay features, graphics and sound, as well as an ...
Game Fire
7.2.4901 freeware downloadGame Fire can significantly enhance your gaming experience by boosting your PC performance and reliability, this would help eliminate ... and interruptions and to achieve higher in-game FPS. Game Fire optimizes your computer performance by turning off ...
Game Player 7.0.265
7.0.265 freeware downloadGame Menager "Player" If you have a lot of cool games and the shortcut's waste space on desktop my Game Player can help you. ...
Game Protector
1.0 freeware downloadGame Protector protects any game with a password and when any user tries to open game it prompts for a password, so that only you can launch ...
Game Downloader Client
4.0 freeware downloadGame Downloader is a portable and open source download client, which interacts with a server side library for downloading numerous games. With the help of this ...