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Most popular Board freeware downloads

Free Renju

5.03 freeware download

Free Renju is a logical board game. It implements two variations of the well known Japanese board game (Renju-Gomoku family): Free Renju and Gomoku. Main features ...


2.0 freeware download

Horses 2.0 is the freeware version of the classical Horses Board Game. The goal is to turn the board upside down by using the minimum number of ...

5 freeware award


1.5 freeware download

The board game Logaterix (the modern name, Posunk in Old Czech) was played by our ancient Slavic ancestors several centuries ago. It was played on the ground or on a wooden board ...


1.5 freeware download

Wapfrog Minesweeper (touch) is a skill board game. Get the highest score you can by revealing all of the safe area on the board without stepping on any of the mines. Compete ...

AS Mahjongg Solitaire

0.2 freeware download

The AS Mahjongg Solitaire board game uses tilesets in eight different designs. This game for one person only is also known under ... To select a stone, it has to be free, that means no stone above him and no ...

AS Mahjongg Solitaire

0.2 freeware download

The AS Mahjongg Solitaire board game uses tilesets in eight different designs. This game for one person only is also known under ... To select a stone, it has to be free, that means no stone above him and no ...