UpdateStar Freeware Edition 10 freeware

... personal software you are using on your computer. This way you make sure to always use the most up-to-date software, maximizing your every-day user experience. UpdateStar is the perfect add-on to the Windows Update Service. UpdateStar covers all of your freeware, shareware, demos, commercial software. ...

Author UpdateStar
Released 2014-05-04
Filesize 4.84 MB
Downloads 1306
OS Win10, Win8, Win2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP
Installation Install and Uninstall
Keywords updatestar, software setup, software updates, system maintenance, software search, software upgrade, software usage, files, downloads, maintenance
Users' rating
(7 rating)
UpdateStar Freeware EditionSystem MaintenanceWin10, Win8, Win2000, Windows 7 x32, Windows 7 x64, WinServer, Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, Windows XP
UpdateStar Freeware Edition - on this day Freeware Download Notice

UpdateStar Freeware Edition Free Download - we do not host any UpdateStar Freeware Edition torrent files or links of UpdateStar Freeware Edition on rapidshare.com, depositfiles.com, megaupload.com etc. All UpdateStar Freeware Edition download links are direct UpdateStar Freeware Edition download from publisher site or their selected mirrors.

UpdateStar Freeware Edition freeware - The Latest User Reviews
UpdateStar Freeware Edition freeware - The Latest Versions History
10 May 4, 2014 Minor Update New localizations, software search engine integrated, enhanced version recognition
8.0.1099 May 4, 2012 Minor Update New localizations, software search engine integrated, enhanced version recognition
9.0.1158 Nov 6, 2012 Major Update New localizations, software search engine integrated, enhanced version recognition

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