Most popular Board freeware downloads
Tams11 Ur freeware downloadOnline version of the ancient game called the Royal game of UR, also know as Game of Twenty Squares. Each players receives 7 chips. The object of the game is to move all 7 of yours chips ...
Tams11 ShutTheBox freeware downloadShut the Box is a popular pub game, ussually played for beers or money. The object of the game it to close as many of the boxes ...
Tams11 Muggins freeware downloadPlace your dominoes so that the ends of the lines equal ... the first to get rid of all your dominoes for a bonus. Needs the The Lobby from ...
Tams11 Sliders freeware download... win a certain amount of rounds wins the game. Needs the Tams11 Lobby from in order to play against others. ...
Tams11 TagADice freeware downloadTagadice is an online game similar to Yahtzee. Up to four players compete to fill in the various dice combinations. Special game option allows for a bonus dice game which ...
Tams11 Parchisi freeware downloadParchisi is the Tams11 online version of the popular board game. 2-4 players compete to move all four of ... bit of breathing room while moving your pawns. Blockades allow you to prevent other players from moving ...