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Most popular Board freeware downloads

Multiplayer Ludo

1.3.0 freeware download

Want to try a simpler board game before moving on to the more challenging ones? The exciting Multiplayer Ludo is for you! Your goal in this ...


2.0 freeware download

Horses 2.0 is the freeware version of the classical Horses Board Game. The goal is to turn the board upside down by using the minimum number ...

5 freeware award

Flag Mah Jongg

1.0 freeware download

Mah Jongg is going patriotic with puzzle game Flag Mah Jongg. Celebrate your nationality (if you ... like to see) with mah jongg tiles in the likeness of the American Flag! The basics of ...


1.02 freeware download

DiceRun is a computer version of a popular table game most of us played with their friends and family before computer games started expanding. It can be played by two, ...


3.1.1 freeware download

FlipFlop is a game similar to Othello with additional features: - A ... FLIPFLOP: You may load a question file into the game board. When you now click on certain ...

Blobs Peg Solitaire

2.052 freeware download

... of Peg Solitaire and HiQ - popular thinking games similar to Chinese Checkers. The object is simple ... as you jump Blobs over each other, the Blob that you jumped disappears. To complete a ...