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Most popular File & Disk Management freeware downloads

File & Folder Lister

2.1 freeware download

File & Folder Lister is a 100% freeware that used to print the files/directories information to audio/video playlist (m3u/pls), PowerBuilder resources file (pbr), text file (txt), Excel document (xls), web ...

Folder Size freeware download

Folder Size FREEWARE will analyze your hard drives and display the file and folder sizes so that you can easily check the distribution of your disk space. The application will display the sizes of ...

Disk Pulse

16.1.28 freeware download

DiskPulse is a free and easy-to-use disk change monitoring utility allowing one to monitor one or more disks or directories and detect file system changes in ...

Disk Savvy

16.1.28 freeware download

DiskSavvy is a free, fast and easy-to-use disk space analyzer utility allowing one to analyze disk usage in one or more disks, directories, network shares and/or NAS storage devices. In ...

Disk Sorter x64

16.0.26 freeware download

DiskSorter x64 is a file classification utility allowing one to classify and categorize files in local disks, network shares and NAS storage devices. Users are ... an enterprise-grade version capable of classifying and categorizing files across the entire enterprise. DiskSorter x64 is ...

Disk Savvy x64

16.1.28 freeware download

DiskSavvy x64 is a free, fast and easy-to-use disk space analyzer utility allowing one to analyze disk usage in one or more disks, directories, network shares and/or NAS storage devices. In ...