Most popular Components & Libraries freeware downloads
RabbitMQ Java AMQP client library
2.8.0 freeware downloadThe RabbitMQ Java client library allows Java code to interface to AMQP servers. The library is platform neutral; the binary distributions listed below differ only in the version of Java they are intended for use with. Please see ...
Adobe XMP Library for ActionScript
1.0 freeware downloadAdobe XMP Library for ActionScript consists of three parts, namely a data model, a parser and a serializer. The data model represents a set of ...
Generic Java Algebra Library
0.0.1 freeware downloadGeneric Java Algebra Library is a collection that includes generic class definitions in GJ/Generic Java/JSR-014. It helps to outline algebraic structures such as ...
Quick PDF Library Lite
7.21 freeware downloadQuick PDF Library Lite is a completely free PDF SDK you ... applications. It is a subset of Quick PDF Library, and available as an ActiveX component and works ...
1.0.28 freeware downloadThe ANDS PID Client is built as a generic client library that allows you to access the ANDS Persistent ... Now, you can use the accessible ANDS PID Client library to further improve your development process and ...
Wezarp Library Lite
1.3.1 freeware downloadWezarp Library Lite allows your software to be controlled by ... and Windows devices are supported). Just insert Wezarp Server DLL or .NET DLL (32-bit or 64-bit) into ...