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Query@Work freeware downloadExecute the same SQL query across multiple ODBC databases. You can execute any type of query on any database with an ODBC driver (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, ...
XN Resource Editor Portable freeware downloadXN Resource Editor Portable is the lightweight XN Resource Editor packaged as a portable app, so you can ...
Avro Editor
0.95 freeware downloadAvro Editor is a Java based, handy application designed to ... edit or compare your Avro binary files. This tool will enable you to add attributes to the ...
Freeware XML Editor
8.8.3 freeware downloadFreeware XMLFox XML Editor now comes in four editions. XMLFox is free ... registration from Robust XML editing and validation tool XMLFox is a freeware editor for creating valid ...
Freeware XMLFox XML Editor
8.3.3 freeware downloadRustemSoft presents Freeware XML editing and validation tool XMLFox is a freeware editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD ... have been enhanced. Robust XML editing and validation tool XMLFox is a freeware editor for creating valid ...
Funduc Software Hex Editor
2.3 freeware downloadFSHED - Funduc Software Hex Editor - a freeware hex editor we made for users of our Search and ... Business Edition grep utilities who needed a hex editor/viewer for use when search-replacing binary files. FSHED is ...