magayo Freeware Downloads

magayo 3D4D freeware download

Powerful 3-digit and 4-digit lottery software for Pick 3 and Pick 4 games

magayo Lotto freeware download

Powerful yet easy-to-use lottery software for Lotto, Powerball and Toto

magayo Pick freeware download

Powerful yet easy-to-use Pick 3 and Pick 4 lottery software

magayo Pick (64-bit) freeware download

Powerful yet easy-to-use Pick 3 and Pick 4 lottery software

magayo WET (Weather, Exchange rate, Time)

1.0.2 freeware download

Weather app with animated weather icons, currency exchange rates and world time

magayo World Time Weather freeware download

Delightful desktop world time clock with local weather and time converter